Ty Harper | Album,Music | Monday, February 8th, 2016
Tobias., (formerly known as Bias Truth) is proud to premiere a new 10 song EP in conjunction with Artistic Manifesto titled,“Blessing In This Art.” The God Fearing Creative hailing from Toronto strengthens the case for Canada’s rapidly budding music scene with this highly impressive debut project under his newly embraced birth/stage name. Blessing In This Art is a consciously crafted response to the variety of obstacles, experiences and blessings/curses that life often presents us with.
Tobias. uses the project and its subject matter to serve as a testament to his ability to find a true state of motivation and happiness through the balance of living life and creating music. “It’s hard to be YOU in such a place, but I try my best to see the “Blessing” in it all.”
Be sure to give the project a proper listen as it’s well worth checking out. The official visuals for the project’s lead single, “Lost It” will be released next week, along with the launch of his new website. Keep up to date on all info/releases and give the young creative some feedback by connecting with him on his social outlets listed below.
We sincerely appreciate your time, consideration and once again thank you for all of your continued support!
“With this project, I just wanted to get it out, it was a scrapped project with a lot more songs but I chose the best records and just let it out. These are my feelings and I can’t not share, knowing I could possibly help someone in dire need of just some hope. Especially because I feel like this is where I am right at this particular moment in my life. I always found that funny, its like my music becomes medicine for myself as life moves on. I am always speaking to myself along with the listener, God is so amazing for that. This life is not promised nor does it pan out how u plan it at times, I just pray as everyone listens, they consider being more before it is eternally too late…”
New artist Bias Truth is looking to release his debut original project within the coming months titled Blessing In This Art. He releases an official promo single to now create some awareness for the project. His idea is to release songs that didn’t make the project, but reflects the projects sound/direction, so once the project is heard, all the songs are completely new to the listener. These releases will all be produced and written by him. “Feel It (The Revisit) is just one of those records that he hopes connects with everyone. The record is just feels very triumphant while the chorus chants, “can you feel it?”. While speaking on wanting to be under the spotlight for the wrong reasons and not being heard, the expectations for this record once its heard is for the listener to “Feel It”. As always those willing to lend an ear are open to introspectively look at themselves as they listen.
Be blessed.
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Bias Truth releases an unreleased video for “What We Gon Do Now” off of last years release of #AllRise to build up some anticipation for his debut project “Better BMore BFore” which he is looking to drop later on this year.
This record personifies a mentality that in the end only hurts us as individuals and collectively. Bias is trying to push the envelop and express the need for change in mentality and growth in order to help the environment some face and grow up in. An environment filled with violence, fatalities, drugs and just a cycle of negativity. The movie/tv clips signify what some see on a daily basis and its constant strain on creating a better tomorrow. The gritty and even shaky shots and edits magnify the reality of life in some cases, its not all clean edits and transitions in this life, its a rocky road we live despite circumstances, but with faith its all possible to see it through the struggle.
Where is God in such a world and environment? Definitely needed in Bias’ eyes. As always those willing to lend an ear are open to introspectively look at themselves as they watch/listen.
Be blessed.
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Bias Truth releases an honest record along with a 3 song project under the same name “Who Am I ” that narrows down his thoughts and point view. Handling all the production, mixing etc… He allows listeners some more clarity as to who he is and what he stands for and what those out there should consider. Some vulnerable honesty from an individual who only wants to allow a deeper understanding to those open to listen.
God Bless.
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Ty Harper | Audio,Music | Friday, October 17th, 2014
Bias Truth, who is also a lead member of a new movement which goes by The Rise Of A Nation releases a track titled, Live Long, B Great (The Revisit) which is self produced, to give listeners an idea of what to expect from his self produced project BMore BFore: The Revisit which is coming soon.This is a record of up-liftment and recognition of our faults and for us to just rise above it all. The world is full of its troubles but it is possible to Live Long and B Great (what ever that may mean to you) it is still possible. Keep fighting the good fight together because we all have similar stories and struggles.Bias is also fresh off of a collab project released with Parisian producer Kam0 titled Mid Summer Nights B4 (http://kam0.bandcamp.com/) as well.