If you missed Raheem‘s old tape (Peer Pressure) you can get caught up with some new visuals off it, while his latest tape (Never Enough) is also out and doing its thing. Shot by Zac Facts.
Ok. So now we know that Raheem can write Drake-esque joints. Not sure why he’s doing that, but there you go. Hopefully it peaks your interest enough to check out his other stuff. Kid still has potential. Shouts to Ethiopian girls though. And Eritrian girls.
Official Music Video for “For You” Starring Hayley Mitchell (@BLVCKCAT9) and myself (@RaheemCx)
If you haven’t checked out the youngin’ Raheem yet, now’s a good time to get caught up. This is his second mixtape (Peer Pressure being the first) so you’re probably already behind. Find the catalogue on the Bandcamp page.